NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:
- Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
- Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
- Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
- Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
- Reference materials, including source documents and compendia
The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.
Podcast: The Gift of Relationship (Fr. Norbert Burns, SM)Father Norbert Burns, S.M. is a 95 year old Marianist priest who just celebrated his 75th anniversary of first vows. Father Norb is well known for his teaching and work on the vocation of marriage. He is especially well known for teaching classes on Christian Marriage for several decades at the University of Dayton. His last class that he taught, in 2007, had 125 students in just one class. In this podcast, Fr. Norb talks about his life, reflects on his vocation, and talks about the greatest gift of his life: relationships. |
Our Marianist HeritageJoseph Stefanelli, SM, discusses Father Chaminade’s spirituality, its scriptural and historical underpinnings, Mary and some of her titles, and the concept of community within the institute and within the Church as a whole. |
$10.00 | |
Lonergan's Transcendental Method and the Marianist MethodThe focus of Sister Marcy Loehrlein's paper is to establish the relationship of the method of the Marianist virtues to the cognitive and volitional method developed by Bernard Lonergan, SJ. |
I Had a Dream the Other Night: Chaminade Interview and StabilityFather Paul Landolfi, SM, shares his “dream interview” with Blessed Chaminade. The duo discuss the Marianist vow of Stability, with our Blessed Founder emphasizing the importance and inclusive nature of this commitment to Mary and Jesus and the Marianist Family. |
A New Fulcrum: Marianist Horizons TodayFather David Fleming, former Superior General of the Society of Mary, muses and expounds on key questions of contemporary Marianist life, but always through the magnifying lens of Blessed Chaminade’s quest for a “new fulcrum.” Father Fleming’s work contains 10 essays covering topics pertaining to Marianist education, spirituality, leadership, mixed composition, and identity. |
$22.00 | |
Do You Believe in the Communion of Saints?As we celebrate All Saints' Day and All Souls Day, NACMS looks back at this article by Father Paul Landolfi, SM, which asks "Do You Believe in the Communion of Saints?" |
Things Marianist: How Can We Be Guided on the Marianist Path?This "Things Marianist" examines Blessed Chaminade’s method of prayer both from the perspective of an individual journeying with a companion (spiritual direction) and a communitarian perspective (spiritual accompaniment of a community). Marianist experts Stepehen Glodek, SM; Pati Krasensky; and Thomas Redmond, SM; are the coauthors of this work. |
$0.60 | |
Principles of Direction of Blessed William Joseph ChaminadeWhy would Chaminade make 23 attempts to formulate a Manual of Direction to give to his leaders? According to Father Paul J. Landolfi, SM, to understand this, we must first consider the background of his work of predilection, the Sodality of Bordeaux. |
Chaminade and MaryAccording to Johann G. Roten, SM: "Chaminade was more than a moralist; he was a prophet who proclaimed courageously the victory of Christ, whose most beautiful work is the Virgin Mary. Indeed, his thought is definitely more Christological and ecclesial than Marian." |
Things Marianist (Full Set of 15 Issues)Buy a full set of Things Marianist, 15 issues in total, and save. |
$7.50 |