NACMS publishes a wide array of resources for the Marianist Family. Check out our bookstore, e-publications, webinars, and documentaries!


Our Bookstore offers for sale approximately 140 books and other publications, popular and scholarly, covering a wide range of topics in Marianist Studies. Click to visit the Bookstore.

Community Meeting Kits

These kits include all you need for a community meeting on a Marianist topic: an opening prayer, program material (articles, podcasts, videos), reflection questions, and a final blessing. To learn more, click here.


More than 200 articles by members of the Marianist Family are available free to read or download. Click to view E-Publications.

General Chapter of 1981 Documentary

This video, produced by the North American Center for Marianist Studies, features interviews with some of the brothers and priests from the United States who attended this Chapter, as well as photographs and documents from the time during and before the Chapter, to tell the story of how the new Rule was made. Click here for more information on this publication.

Marianist Heritage Virtual Tour

In January of 2023, to honor Marianist Heritage Month, NACMS created eight virtual tours of significant locations in Marianist History. For more information and to view the virtual tours, click here.


We produce an e-newsletter that is released on the first Friday of every month to all subscribers. The newsletter shares recent events, resources, and publicizes upcoming opportunities. Click here to sign up, read recent articles from our newsletters, view the most recent newsletter, and find past newsletters.

Recorded Webinars

Our webinars offer an opportunity for individuals to gather virtually for a timely presentation and conversation on Marianist topics and their relevance for our context at the time.  Examples include our webinar series on Marianist Education and on the Magnificat. For more information and to view our webinars, click here.

Copyright Policy

The North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS) has a Copyright Compliance Policy for its products. Please review the material at this link for specifications on requesting permission to use NACMS resources, including printed, computer-generated, or audiovisual materials.