NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.

Father Chaminade and the Church

Father Eduardo Benlloch, SM, writes about how Chaminade’s contemplation of the mystical body of Christ became combined with his charismatic vision of the figure of Mary in the eternal plan of God.

Why Should We Dedicate Ourselves to Mary?

This is a fair question. After all, our entire religion is centered in Jesus. Why do we have to do anything else, except to listen to his Word and follow it?

Promise and the Path: Starting and Sustaining Marianist Communities

. . . a resource for community meetings. The structure of each chapter has a nice balance of personal story, solid Marianist formation, and well-thought out discussion questions.

What Marianist Spirituality Is for Me and How It Works

Peter Daino talks of the woman who taught the Word to speak, who stands next to the oppressed, and who teaches us not to be silent in the face of atrocity. The article concludes with a personal story illustrating the Marian method of prayer.

Mary Was a Lay Woman Who Lived in Community

This paper addresses three components of Marianist spirituality: empowerment of the laity, Mary, and community. The historical relevance of the establishment of lay groups in Bordeaux is compared in two major biographies of Father Chaminade, and the characteristics of the early communities are presented as a model for today's Church.

Filial Devotion or Alliance with Mary?

Father Benlloch provides a keen analysis of this Marianist question and explores its implications related to language and our relationship with Mary.

Until Christ Be Formed in You

Father Landolfi facilitates conversation between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the reader. Each chapter begins with a passage from scripture that depicts an event or description of Jesus' life.

Mary, Collaborator with the Holy Spirit: Reflections on the Teaching of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

What are the teachings of Father Chaminade regarding the relationship between Mary and the Holy Spirit? How do we, as Marianists, view the collaboration between Mary and the Holy Spirit, and build a relationship within this collaboration?

Marianist Person at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century

Bihl’s work is a study of the theology of the human person in relationship to Marianist spirituality. His work also includes Trinitarian, liberation, and feminist perspectives and builds a view of the human person who is free and who participates in God’s creative reality.

Commentary on the Rule of Life of the Society of Mary

This book includes 52 articles that reflect the major themes in the life of Marianist religious.
