NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.

Podcast: Marianist Social Justice Collaborative's Present and Future

Our latest podcast episode of Sharing our Marianist Stories continues the celebration of the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative’s (MSJC) 25th Anniversary. This episode features a panel who shares their experience of volunteering on Issue Teams for the MSJC and their hopes for the future of the MSJC.

Podcast: Mary as Mother and Friend (Maureen Hoock)

Lay Marianist Maureen Hoock shares about her Marianist journey in St. Louis, Missouri and about her deep friendship with Mary, as well as how being Marianist has impacted her vocation as a mother.

Podcast: Once a Missionary, Always a Missionary (Sr. Columba Yu, FMI)

Sister Columba is a Marianist Sister from South Korea who has spent the last 13 years of her life as a missionary in India. She was among the original 4 Marianist Sisters who went to India in 2006 to begin a community of Marianist Sisters there. The Sisters live in Ranchi in the northern part of India where they do a variety of ministries including healthcare work and job training for women. Sr. Gabby interviewed Sr. Columba in December while she was visiting the United States. In this podcast, Sr. Columba shares her story of being a missionary, becoming a Marianist Sister, and what her reaction was when she was first asked by the Sisters to go to India 13 years ago.

Podcast: Responding to God's Invitation (Bro. Tom Redmond, SM on Spiritual Direction)

Marianist Brother Tom Redmond is a staff member at NACMS. He has been working for the past several years to adapt the Spirit of Saragossa Retreat--which has traditionally been a 30 day retreat centered on Marianist spirituality, Mary, and the Founders--into a retreat that people can do in their daily life. A major component of the retreat is meeting with a spiritual director. In this podcast, Patti Gehred talks to Bro. Tom about spiritual direction. What is it? Why is it important? How is it different from counseling or confession? Throughout the course of the interview, Bro. Tom shares insights into how we can respond to God's invitation to growth and deeper relationship.

Podcast: Sharing from the Heart (Jeri Albright and Marceta Reilly)

In our latest episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories, Lay Marianists Jeri Albright and Marceta Reilly share their experience living near Topeka, Kansas, where there aren’t many Marianists. Marceta and Jeri share the origin story of the Harvest Prayer Marianist Lay Community, the impact the community has had on their lives, and the community’s impact on their Catholic Parish.

Podcast: Story of a Friendship (Mother Adèle and Jeanne Diché)

This episode is a re-creation--through fictionalized letters--of Adele's relationship and collaboration with her best friend, Jeanne Diché. Jeanne was also an important support to the Marianist Sisters in their early foundation years. Listen to how their friendship unfolds, even as they choose different vocations: religious life for Adele, and marriage and motherhood for Jeanne.

Podcast: The Bedrock of Marianist Studies (The NACMS Library)

Patti Gehred and Gabby Bibeau are excited to share this interview with Brother Andrew Kosmowski and Teresa Trimboli, who are the very talented (and very hard working!) librarians at NACMS. Listen to them talk about the history of the library, its importance for Marianist studies, and share some fun facts about rare items in the collection.

Podcast: The First Lay Assembly (Marge Cavanaugh and Tony Garascia)

The inaugural episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories includes a conversation between Marge Cavanaugh and Anthony Garascia regarding the first Marianist Lay Assembly in North America and the rapid growth and changes that occurred throughout the 1990s. (Recorded on July 15, 2017 - MLC-NA Assembly, University of Dayton, Kennedy Union)

Podcast: The Gift of Relationship (Fr. Norbert Burns, SM)

Father Norbert Burns, S.M. is a 95 year old Marianist priest who just celebrated his 75th anniversary of first vows. Father Norb is well known for his teaching and work on the vocation of marriage. He is especially well known for teaching classes on Christian Marriage for several decades at the University of Dayton. His last class that he taught, in 2007, had 125 students in just one class. In this podcast, Fr. Norb talks about his life, reflects on his vocation, and talks about the greatest gift of his life: relationships.

Podcast: The Impact of Marianist PULSE

Marianist PULSE, a postgraduate year of professional non-profit service rooted in the Marianist Charism, has had an impact on numerous individuals and communities. In this episode, Abby Shahady, Ani Artero, and Dominic Sanfilippo share their stories of discerning, engaging in and completing a year of service with Marianist PULSE.
