NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.

The Best of Quest: Liturgical Year B

"The Best of Quest" is a lectionary-based resource for use by small Christian communities. Drawing upon a rich corpus of almost 30 years from "Quest," a publication produced by the Archdiocese of Hartford, this installment of "The Best of Quest" focuses on Liturgical Year B. *Please note: The second half of "Best of Quest" Year B is in development and will be posted here as soon as it is finished.
MSP 2.0 2018-2019

Opening the Doors of Hospitality and Creating Community: A One Day Retreat

Using scripture references of Mary’s mother-son relationship with Jesus, Joan McGuinness Wagner, as part of MSP 2.0, reminds us of the importance of hospitality, including in unlikely places. McGuinness Wagner ponders hospitality’s three essential components: giving, receiving, and transforming.

Podcast: Marianist Lessons from Rough Patches (Linda Zappacosta and Brad Leger)

Linda Zappacosta and Brad Leger are good friends. Linda has been a lay Marianist for over 50 years; Brad is a "new kid," as he says, in the Marianist Family. Listen to Brad interview Linda about her life as a Marianist and some things she learned about God, herself, and Marianist community after her struggle with illness.

Podcast: The Gift of Relationship (Fr. Norbert Burns, SM)

Father Norbert Burns, S.M. is a 95 year old Marianist priest who just celebrated his 75th anniversary of first vows. Father Norb is well known for his teaching and work on the vocation of marriage. He is especially well known for teaching classes on Christian Marriage for several decades at the University of Dayton. His last class that he taught, in 2007, had 125 students in just one class. In this podcast, Fr. Norb talks about his life, reflects on his vocation, and talks about the greatest gift of his life: relationships.

Podcast: Building a Hearth for the World (Abby Lisjak and Elizabeth Abrams)

Lay Marianists Abby Lisjak and Elizabeth Abrams offer their perspective on the Marianist Family as young lay Marianists. Abby is graduating from the University of Dayton in May, and Elizabeth graduated last year. Listen to their reflections on how their community--the Hearth Community--plans to live out their commitment past graduation, as well as their thoughts on Mary. Recorded during the Marianist Lay Assembly in July 2017.

Our Marianist Heritage

Joseph Stefanelli, SM, discusses Father Chaminade’s spirituality, its scriptural and historical underpinnings, Mary and some of her titles, and the concept of community within the institute and within the Church as a whole.

Podcast: Brother and Sister in the Marianist Family (Fr. Dave Fleming, SM and Marceta Reilly)

Marceta Reilly and Father Dave Fleming, S.M. are very active members of the Marianist Family. They are also siblings. Fr. Dave left home to join the Society of Mary when Marceta was eight years old, and although Marceta came to know the Marianists through her older brother, she made the charism her own by forming lay communities in the rural Kansas town where she lives. She has also been an active member of Our Lady of the Round Table, which is an international online lay Marianist community. In this podcast, they interview each other about some of their experiences in the Marianist Family and their insights into the charism.

The Individual "I" and the Indispensable "We": Christian Community in a Postmodern World

Father David Fleming, SM, looks at the postmodern world and provides insights on the positive aspects and challenges facing Marianist communities today.

Being the Church in the Only Empire There Is

Sociologist Robert N. Bellah looks at Small Christian Community (SCC) practices in the United States.

Chaminade's Vision of Church

Brother Hugh Bihl, SM, explores the Chaminadean understanding of Church and its linkage to the Sodality and the Universal Church.
