Podcast: The Quality of Our Presence (Rob Brodrick)

In this episode, Patti Gehred and Gabby Bibeau discuss an interview Gabby did with Rob Brodrick, who is a lay Marianist and the newly hired National Director of the Marianist Lay Community of North America (MLC-NA). Rob talks about his experience starting a residential lay Marianist community in Dayton, which eventually morphed into the Mission of Mary Cooperative, as well as how he lives the Marianist charism in his daily life as a lay person and in his new role with MLC-NA. 

Podcast: Finding God in Photography (Bro. John Lemker, SM)

In this episode, Patti and Sr. Gabby share an interview they did with Marianist artist and photographer Brother John Lemker. Bro. John just completed 70 years of profession as a Marianist, and much of his religious life has been filled with his greatest passions: faith, science, and photography. We talk to Bro. John about his photography, how he finds God -- the "original artist" -- in nature, and how he combines faith, science, and art in the work he does. You don't want to miss it!

Podcast: Courage in the Face of Fear: Reading Marie Thérèse's Self-Offering

In this episode, Patti and Sr. Gabby discuss one of the few writings we have by Marie Therese: an act of self-offering she wrote to God in 1797, signed in her own blood. This document details how Marie Therese offered herself as a "victim in expiation of the crimes of the Revolution." We talk about what this self-offering meant, what the crimes of the Revolution were, and how, despite Marie Therese's courage and (seeming) fearlessness, she actually struggled a great deal with anxiety and self-doubt. 

Podcast: "We are All Missionaries:" Reading Chaminade's Letter of 1839

In this episode, Patti Gehred and Sr. Gabby Bibeau discuss the most famous and most important letter in Marianist history: Father Chaminade's Letter to the Retreat Masters of 1839. In this letter, Chaminade lays out exactly what it means to be Marianist, especially the importance of Mary and her power to defeat evil, as well as our call to be missionaries. You don't want to miss this one! 

Podcast: "Does Your Cow Give Milk?": A Deep Dive into One of Adèle's Letters

In an episode that is a bit of a departure from the usual format, Patti and Sr. Gabby discuss one of Blessed Adele's letters, which was written to a Marianist sister who was the director of one of the community's houses in 1825. This letter is a great window into the final years of Adele's life and the strength of her leadership. Patti and Sr. Gabby discuss the challenges the Marianist Sisters faced at this time, the tensions that existed between the Sisters and Father Chaminade, and the humor that is part of daily life in community. It's an interesting conversation that is sure to be informative whether you know a little or a lot about Adele!

Podcast: We're All in This Together (The Marianist Sisters Vocation Fund)

In this episode, Lay Marianists Matt Meyers and Linda Zappacosta share the story of how they helped start the Marianist Sisters Vocation Fund, which is a group of Marianist brothers, sisters, and laity who raise funds to offset the college debt of women entering the Marianist Sisters. They share about how they came to know that student debt was an obstacle to women discerning with the Sisters, how they were able to put their heads together to find a solution to the problem, and they also reflect on the beauty of the three branches working together for the future of the entire Marianist Family.

Podcast: Beatification Memories (Interviews Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Chaminade's Beatification)

On September 3rd, 2000, Father Chaminade was Beatified along with five other holy people during a Mass in St. Peter's Square. Pope St. John Paul II was the presider, and he noted that Blessed Chaminade was an "apostle of the laity." In this podcast, we interviewed six different people who were at the Beatification and the events surrounding it. Each of them provides their own perspective on that experience, as well as the legacy of Chaminade officially being named "Blessed."
