In this episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories, Patti Gehred and Gabby Bibeau share this interview with Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth that follows up on a previous podcast episode with Rob Brodrick, which heavily featured this quote by Fr. Quentin: "The quality of our presence is more important than our work." Fr. Quentin elaborates more on this quote in this episode, as well as touching on what Marianist presence is and how it is articulated by Fr. Chaminade.
Available on nearly all podcasting apps, our YouTube Channel, and through the embedded podcast player below.
You can find Fr. Quentin's book "A Manual of Marianist Spirituality" at the NACMS online bookstore.
Recorded on 24 May 2022. Published on 6 September 2022. Hosted by Patti Gehred and Gabby Bibeau from the North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS). Recorded via Zoom Conferencing. Editing by Gabby Bibeau. Music: “Travel Light” by Jason Shaw (used with permission via Creative Commons License; see more of his work at http://audionautix.com/).