NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

You can filter or search our publications below using the Keyword Search function or the "Explore Our Resources" function on the left. 

You Are the Body of Christ

The aim of Brother Hugh Bihl's essay is to expound a most important dimension of church theology—that we (i.e., the church members) are the Body of Christ.

Musings on Marianist Catholic Higher Education in Light of Father Fleming's 'A New Fulcrum'

Brother Thomas Giardino, SM, executive director of the Association of Marianist Universities (AMU) muses on Marianist higher education in light of Father David Fleming’s chapters on Marianist education in "A New Fulcrum: Marianist Horizons Today."

Educational Traditions of the Society of Mary

Brother Joseph J. Panzer's popular 1965 dissertation examines the history and educational methods of the Society of Mary. This is a classic text on Marianist education.

The Individual "I" and the Indispensable "We": Christian Community in a Postmodern World

Father David Fleming, SM, looks at the postmodern world and provides insights on the positive aspects and challenges facing Marianist communities today.
Charles Klobb, SM

A Biography of Father Charles Klobb, SM: Ten Articles

Behind every great leader is a great helper. Father Charles Klobb, SM, was such a great helper: retreat master preaching Jesus and Mary to a new generation of Brothers of Mary; historian tirelessly reclaiming the life of Father Chaminade; and trusted aide to Superior General Joseph Simler. Klobb accomplished much during his mere four decades of life.
Joseph Verrier, SM

Jean Lafon: Leader of the Malet Conspiracy

Jean Baptiste Hyacinthe Lafon was a decidedly singular character, typical of a turbulent period in history, whose life story is a web of whims of fate, surprises, and erratic strokes of fortune.
Charles Klobb, SM

Charles Klobb: Apostle of Father Chaminade

Paul Verrier, SM, provides a brief biographical sketch on an early Marianist historian--Father Charles Klobb--a man who found service through reclaiming the Marianist story
William Joseph Chaminade

Principles of Direction of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

Why would Chaminade make 23 attempts to formulate a Manual of Direction to give to his leaders? According to Father Paul J. Landolfi, SM, to understand this, we must first consider the background of his work of predilection, the Sodality of Bordeaux.
James Wisecaver, SM

You've Got To Be Carefully Taught

Brother James Wisecaver, SM, shares his experiences, thoughts, and impressions with Marianists who are concerned with involving themselves with the emerging multicultural faces of America. Cultural characteristics inherent in the behavior of Anglo-Americans and several immigrant peoples will be described.

Let the Brothers of Mary Call No Man "Father"

The Marianist story is radically open to the perspective of "discipleship of equals" because of the way daily life has been structured between those who are not ordained and those who are.

Filial Devotion or Alliance with Mary?

Father Benlloch provides a keen analysis of this Marianist question and explores its implications related to language and our relationship with Mary.

Teamwork in the Society of Mary

In this circular, Brother Thomas Giardino, SM, as General Assistant for Education, reminds us that the true end goal of teamwork is not accomplishment but mission. He looks at the importance of dialogue and teamwork in this missionary endeavor.

Educators and Missionaries in a New Key (Circular No. 10)

"I believe this topic will interest even those who work in other ministries, because our mission as educators in faith is one key to Marianist identity."

Spiritual Direction: Chaminade and Chevaux

Explore spiritual direction in early Marianist life.

Conference on Father Chaminade's System of Virtues

A conference on Father Chaminade’s System of Virtues, given by Fr. William Ferree, SM.

The Sacrament of Our Mission

A mission so grand as ours will demonstrably fail, says Father William Ferree, SM; but in the economy of salvation, that failure is the sacramental veil of success.

Until Christ Be Formed In Us

In MP3 music format, with accompanying lyrics, Brother Stan Zubek, SM, sings his original composition "Until Christ Be Formed in Us," which examines Jesus' relationship with Mary and its influence on Blessed Chaminade. "I am in labor until Christ be formed in you" (Gal 4:19) was one of Blessed Chaminade's favorite quotes.

Marianist Doxology (echo)

Join Brother Stan Zubek, SM, in singing this echo version of the Marianist Doxology. This MP3 music file can be used either for personal or communal prayer.
Music Note

Er Lebe Hoch

A custom of long standing at Marianist celebrations is the singing of the "Er Lebe Hoch," a German toasting song. Find out more about this song's connection to the Marianists.
Three O'Clock Prayer

Audio File: Three O'Clock Prayer

This prayer recalls the hour when Jesus, on Calvary, gave Mary as Mother to His beloved disciple.
