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Welcome to the NACMS Bookstore.

ATTENTION: Due to Staff schedules for the Holidays, orders placed after December 22 will not be processed until after January 3.  Thank you for your patience!

NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

You can filter or search our bookstore below using the Keyword Search function, the "Explore Our Resources" function on the left, or click here to view a list, sorted by title

Things Marianist (Full Set of 15 Issues)

Buy a full set of Things Marianist, 15 issues in total, and save.

Things Marianist: Can You Explain What You Mean When You Say . . . ?

This issue explains Marianist "jargon" through an imaginary dialogue in a Marianist faith-sharing community. Current members explain to potential new members the definitions and meaning of many of our Marianist terms.

Things Marianist: How Are the Three Offices Like an Orchestra?

The Marianist Three Offices are an orchestra: sounds that blend well together to build an outward sense of Christ in and for the world.

Things Marianist: How Can We Be Guided on the Marianist Path?

This "Things Marianist" examines Blessed Chaminade’s method of prayer both from the perspective of an individual journeying with a companion (spiritual direction) and a communitarian perspective (spiritual accompaniment of a community). Marianist experts Stepehen Glodek, SM; Pati Krasensky; and Thomas Redmond, SM; are the coauthors of this work.

Things Marianist: How Do Marianists Do Social Justice?

Many Marianists are drawn to social justice. But what is a Marianist perspective on social justice? And what are some characteristics one can use to define it?

Things Marianist: How Do People Make Commitments to Living Marianist Life?

This Things Marianist examines the “keep on keeping on” aspect to Marianist life that is known as stability.

Things Marianist: Setting a Marianist Table

The simple action of setting a table for a family meal provides symbols to explain aspects of Gospel living we as Marianists have been called to make especially vivid in the Christian community.

Things Marianist: What Are Chaminade's Principles for Community Building?

Brother Thomas F. Giardino, SM, develops four principles that guided the thought and practical wisdom of Father Chaminade's world-changing approach to community.

Things Marianist: What Do You Mean, Community is a Gift and Task?

Isabella Moyer reminds us that community is both a safe place for maturation and fellowship and a Gospel challenge to be shared with the world.

Things Marianist: What Do You Mean, I'm a Missionary?

Our Marianist Founders have told us that "we are all missionaries." What did they mean by the term "missionary?"
