NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.

A Reflection on Advent

Brother Tom Redmond, SM, has developed a series that looks at Advent from a deeply-spiritual perspective, but with a twist: the "Stations of Advent." Join Brother Tom as he explores the first Station in this time of waiting for the birth of the Savior.

Mary and Faith

"She [Mary] is my friend, my mother, and my mentor. I want other young mothers to know Mary as I know her and through her share their memories and stories."
Johann Roten

True Enlightenment

When it comes to praying the rosary, do you know the "mysteries of light"? If not, let Father Roten explain their spiritual richness to you.

Until Christ Be Formed in You

Father Landolfi facilitates conversation between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the reader. Each chapter begins with a passage from scripture that depicts an event or description of Jesus' life.

Commentary on the Rule of Life of the Society of Mary

This book includes 52 articles that reflect the major themes in the life of Marianist religious.

Things Marianist: What Is the Marianist Tradition of Prayer?

How did Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianist Family, teach people to pray?
Three O'Clock Prayer

Audio File: Three O'Clock Prayer

This prayer recalls the hour when Jesus, on Calvary, gave Mary as Mother to His beloved disciple.

Prayer in a Pinch: Come to the Water

Like the woman at the well, may we be humble before God.

Prayer in a Pinch: Mary and Scripture

Are you responsible for prayer at your community’s next gathering? Sr. Mary Louise Foley, FMI, has developed a communal prayer service on Mary and scripture that you can use.

Prayer in a Pinch: Nurturing the Vision

"It helps, now and then, to step back and take the long view," said Oscar Romero. "The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts; it is even beyond our vision." Drawing upon these words, Jim Vogt has crafted a social justice prayer service for communal gatherings.
