NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.

Mixed Composition of the Society of Mary

In a series of several essays, Marianist scholars write on the role of mixed composition in the Society of Mary and its implications for future religious.

Podcast: An Aspiring Librarian’s Journey to First Vows - Joseph Choi, nSM

In this episode Joseph Choi, nSM describes his journey from high school in South Korea through his time in the Novitiate in Dayton, OH. He shares about the impact his experience in the United States has had on his own formation and his aspirancy experience that included time in South Korea and San Antonio, Texas.

Podcast: A Path to Profession - Chicago Joe Schuller, nSM

This episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories features Chicago Joe Schuller, nSM as he anticipates professing first vows with the Society of Mary on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Chicago shares about what attracted him to vowed religious life, how his experiences of aspirancy and novitiate shaped him, and the role intentional community has in his call to be a brother.

Opening New Doors to Our Knowledge of Blessed Father Chaminade

Brother Tom Redmond, SM, traces the origins of the conflicting time periods for Chaminade’s founding inspiration for the Society of Mary. Was it 1787 or 1797? The result of Brother Tom’s analysis is a “new door,” a deeper understanding, into the Marian dimension of the Marianist charism.

The General History of the Society of Mary, Volume 1

What was the interconnection between the establishment of the Society of Mary and the ever-changing landscape of French society between 1817 and 1875? Read the first volume of "The General History of the Society of Mary" to discover how culture shaped the development of the Society of Mary at the time the Society of Mary developed to shape culture.

Marianist Heritage Virtual Tour Videos

In January of 2023, to honor Marianist Heritage Month, NACMS created eight virtual tours of significant locations in Marianist History.

Renewal, Fidelity, and Community: The Society of Mary General Chapter of 1981

This video features interviews with some of the brothers and priests from the United States who attended the 1981 General Chapter, as well as photographs and documents from the time during and before the chapter, to tell the story of how the new SM Rule of Life was made.

The 91-Year Journey to the Beatification of Blessed Father William Joseph Chaminade

Father William Joseph Chaminade was beatified in September 2000. Brother Tom Redmond, SM, highlights two early Marianist discoveries—one, the rediscovering of Chaminade’s greatness; the other, the discovering of his physical remains—that helped initiate the 91-year journey that culminated in our Blessed Founder’s recognition by the Vatican.

Mission & Charism: "Reimagining the Dream," a Marianist Missionary Narrative for the Twenty-First Century

According to Robert K. Moriarty, SM, "As Marianists in the United States take stock these days of our contemporary situation and our future prospects, we hear calls for the development of a 'common missionary vision' or 'new missionary narrative' for the years ahead. 'Mission & Charism' offers itself as a contribution for this developing conversation among us. The focus on the missionary is key."

200 Years of Marianist Education

See these resources and information from the Society of Mary's General Administration that inform and commemorate 200 years of Marianist education.
