NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

The resources listed below are found within our e-publications and bookstore. Items available in our library are not listed, but can be found by searching in our library catalog.

Podcast: The Responsibility of Stewardship (Jon Watase and Laura Koonce)

Jon Watase and Laura Koonce are two staff members at Saint Louis School in Hawaii, a Marianist school serving boys in kindergarten through twelfth grade. In this episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories they share about the impact of the agricultural program that Jon helped establish, how their lives have been impacted by the Marianist Family, and their experience of the 2023 Lay Marianist Assembly in St. Louis.

Podcast: What We Gave Them Lives On: Bro. Jesse O'Neill, SM

Our latest podcast episode of Sharing our Marianist Stories features Bro. Jesse O'Neill, SM who shares about his first exposure and discernment with the Marianists and his role as Assistant of Education on the Provincial Council.

Podcast: Who are the Marianist Saints? (Bro. David Betz, SM)

In this episode of Sharing Our Marianist Stories, Gabby Bibeau sits down with Brother David Betz to talk about his role as the promoter of the Marianist Saints in the United States. They talk about who are the Marianist religious and lay people on the path to sainthood, the process of canonization, and the possibility of a US-born Marianist having their cause introduced.

August 13th: Memorial of Blessed Jakob Gapp, S.M. Priest and Martyr

Born July 26, 1897, in Wattens in the Austrian Tyrol, Jakob was the seventh son of Martin Gapp and Antonia Wach. He attended elementary school in his native village and pursued his high school studies in Hall. On May 24, 1915, Italy declared war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This same year, Jakob enlisted in the Austrian army. He was sent to the Italian front, where he was wounded and decorated for his courage. At the end of the war he was taken prisoner. He underwent a great deal of suffering during his captivity. During the war Jakob came under the spell of an idealistic socialism, which led to a crisis of faith. On August 13, 1920, Jakob entered the Marianist novitiate at Greisinghof (Austria).

Marianist Martyrs of Madrid: Prayer Service

We gather together to celebrate and give thanks for the lives of the Blessed Martyrs Miguel, Florencio, Joaquín, and Sabino, and to recommit ourselves to following Christ through their example.

Saint Juan Diego, Icon of Mary's Evangelizing Mission: Model for the Laity

Juan Diego’s canonization has renewed and increased the momentum of the movement to designate him as the patron saint of the laity and lay apostles.
Charles Klobb, SM

A Biography of Father Charles Klobb, SM: Ten Articles

Behind every great leader is a great helper. Father Charles Klobb, SM, was such a great helper: retreat master preaching Jesus and Mary to a new generation of Brothers of Mary; historian tirelessly reclaiming the life of Father Chaminade; and trusted aide to Superior General Joseph Simler. Klobb accomplished much during his mere four decades of life.
Charles Klobb, SM

Charles Klobb: Apostle of Father Chaminade

Paul Verrier, SM, provides a brief biographical sketch on an early Marianist historian--Father Charles Klobb--a man who found service through reclaiming the Marianist story

Community Meeting Kit: A Mother's Love

“A Mother’s Love” explores how the models of Mary (Mother of God), Elisabeth de Vincens de Lamourous (mother of Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de Lamourous), and Baroness Ursule de Peyronnencq (mother of Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon) resonate with our lives today.

Concerning the Daries Brothers: Errors and Corrections

This small article, written by Father Joseph Verrier, SM, corrects historical errors pertaining to the three Daries brothers, who attended the Mussidan school where the Chaminade brothers taught.
