Edited by Lawrence J. Cada, SM
748 pgs.
Monograph 37
Some are remarkable for their scholarship; others are touching in their ability to capture the spirit of a particular culture and how Marianist spirit interfaces with it. While the richness of the work lies in the expansive scope of thought and experience contained in its pages, individuals and groups might find that focusing on a set of papers from a cluster of writers will provide much grist for the reflective mill.
This text of 748 pages documents the proceedings of an International Symposium on Marianist Spirituality held in 1992. Representatives of the worldwide Marianist Family were asked to participate in preparing, presenting, and discussing papers and to engage in open exchange on topics raised in the papers. All branches and people from six continents were brought into dialogue in Dayton, Ohio. Each of the 24 papers addressed four themes: the specific cultural situation in which the author lived Marianist spirituality, the chief currents of contemporary spirituality, the classical elements of Marianist spirituality, and ways in which Marianist spirituality is and can be embodied and implemented.
Participants broke into work groups and, focusing on the their analysis and synthesis of recurring themes in the presentations, five more papers were written after the symposium. Core Elements; Mary, Marianist Spirituality and Culture; Mission and Spirituality; and the Importance of Hope in Marianist Spirituality are topics covered in these papers. Lastly, a set of recommended projects or programs to promote Marianist spirituality was assembled.
The papers are presented in both English and the language of the author. Summaries are offered in French, Spanish, and English.