If one wishes to know the wide array of perspectives in the Marianist world about our common spirituality, this collection of papers will be of interest.

Edited by Lawrence J. Cada, SM
748 pgs.
Monograph 37

Some are remarkable for their scholarship; others are touching in their ability to capture the spirit of a particular culture and how Marianist spirit interfaces with it.  While the richness of the work lies in the expansive scope of thought and experience contained in its pages, individuals and groups might find that focusing on a set of papers from a cluster of writers will provide much grist for the reflective mill.

This text of 748 pages documents the proceedings of an International Symposium on Marianist Spirituality held in 1992.  Representatives of the worldwide Marianist Family were asked to participate in preparing, presenting, and discussing papers and to engage in open exchange on topics raised in the papers.  All branches and people from six continents were brought into dialogue in Dayton, Ohio.  Each of the 24 papers addressed four themes: the specific cultural situation in which the author lived Marianist spirituality, the chief currents of contemporary spirituality, the classical elements of Marianist spirituality, and ways in which Marianist spirituality is and can be embodied and implemented.
Participants broke into work groups and, focusing on the their analysis and synthesis of recurring themes in the presentations, five more papers were written after the symposium.  Core Elements; Mary, Marianist Spirituality and Culture; Mission and Spirituality; and the Importance of Hope in Marianist Spirituality are topics covered in these papers.  Lastly, a set of recommended projects or programs to promote Marianist spirituality was assembled.

The papers are presented in both English and the language of the author.  Summaries are offered in French, Spanish, and English.

From “A View from Colombia” by Cecilio de Lora, SM.

A clear and immediate consequence is the necessity of continuing to incarnate our spirituality.  One can only arrive at the universality of salvation by beginning with the particularity of the Word made flesh in a corner of the land of Palestine.  The particular and the universal interrelate in the perspective of salvation.  The mystery of history acquires its greatest clarity with the incarnation of the Son of God.  The radical humanity and historicity of Jesus Christ guarantees God’s presence in our midst and, consequently, the possibility and necessity of historic intermediaries in order to experience [God].

Likewise, historic, concrete, particular intermediaries are indispensable for the understanding and living out of our charism in all its uniqueness.  In the present case, the historic mediation passes through today’s Colombia, where we seek to live in concrete form the Marianist charism that was imparted to our Founder for the benefit of all times and all climes . . . .

It is not a matter of practicing spiritual archeology in order to repeat the gestures, words, and actions of the Founder in this historic milieu.  Rather, it is a matter of discovering the dynamic relationship between Chaminade’s intuition and his historic milieu, in order to reincarnate this same foundational intuition in our own historic milieu.  [Our] identity is not something static, fixed, set once and for all.  It is a life, and by that very fact, something dynamic that keeps being created in the course of history.  I will begin with identifying the situation in which I try to live our Marianist spirituality in today’s Colombia.

The Dream Becomes Real
Symposium Participants 
Part 1. Papers
Perspectives from Africa
Peter Daino, SM, Hugo Schwager, SM 

Perspectives from Asia and Australia
David A. Fleming, SM, Don Larken, John Yamasaki, SM
Perspectives from Europe
Ambrogio Albano, SM, Jean Baptiste Armbruster, SM, Roger Bichelberger, M. Blanca Jamar, FMI, Luciano Simili
Perspectives from North America (1)
Lawrence J. Cada, SM, Margaret A. Cavanaugh, Gary T. Chapman, Thomas F. Giardino, SM, Stephen M. Glodek, SM

Perspectives from North America (2)
Anna Huth, FMI, Paul J. Landolfi, SM, Bernard J. Lee, SM, Carol P. Quinn, Johann G. Roten, SM

Perspectives from South America
Cecilia Araya Campos, José María Arnaiz, SM, Cecilio de Lora, SM, Felisa Ortiz de Pinedo Salazar, FMI
Part 2. Syntheses
Core Elements
Marianist Spirituality and Culture
Mission and Spirituality
Mission et spiritualité
Importance of Hope in Marianist Spirituality
Acerca de la esperanza
Peter Daino, SM
Hugo Schwager, SM
Theodore Koehler, SM
Ambrogio Albano, SM
Johann G. Roten, SM