Mission & Charism: "Reimagining the Dream," a Marianist Missionary Narrative for the Twenty-First Century

According to Robert K. Moriarty, SM, "As Marianists in the United States take stock these days of our contemporary situation and our future prospects, we hear calls for the development of a 'common missionary vision' or 'new missionary narrative' for the years ahead. 'Mission & Charism' offers itself as a contribution for this developing conversation among us. The focus on the missionary is key."

Reimagining the Marianist Family in the United States: Continuing the Conversation on the Marianist Movement

In this work, Brother Raymond Fitz, SM, explores the history of our Marianist charism and its apostolic intent and examines how we today can use these same aspects as an “ecclesial movement” to minister to the “fractured city and the silent violence of poverty.”
