Enrique Aguilera, SM, and José María Arnaiz, SM
Joseph Stefanelli, SM
This is a book for all Marianists, lay and religious, and can be of help individually or in preparing for a meeting. It uses the metaphor of a journey.

by Enrique Aguilera, SM, and José María Arnaiz, SM
302 pgs.

This is a book for all Marianists, lay and religious, and can be of help individually or in preparing for a meeting. It uses the metaphor of a journey: we listen to God’s call, we are to become like Jesus, and we set out. Each section contains suggestions on prayer for individual or group use, including several scripture passages and various suggestions for praying in the way of Chaminade developed in clear, modern language. Spirituality, prayer, scripture, the Marianist charism, and the writings of William Joseph Chaminade are at your fingertips.

"Jesus in the hand" (to live and act like Jesus)

This last step of identification with Jesus is the most important and definitive. It amounts to transforming life according to the image of Jesus. It presupposes a process of interior conversation from an "I-closed-within," oriented toward the absolutizing and idolatrizing of possession, pleasure, and power (an anti-gospel), to the "I-open" or available, oriented toward Jesus and our neighbor.

"Jesus in the hand" means, in other words, to live like Jesus and to love like Jesus; this reality must be achieved in daily living, in practice, in the here and now, and with strangers as well as with the closest acquaintances.


Saints, canonized or not, are the best qualified witnesses to Jesus, those who have managed to bring to completion this identification with him. Read a good biography which will  help you to incorporate into your own life some of the Christian attitudes the saint manifests.

  • This month I commit myself to accomplishing a certain evangelical gesture or action which I have been contemplating doing: ask pardon or draw closer to a certain person, visit a sick person I have avoided, or animate a community which has just been formed.
  • By means of this journey, we take on the being of Jesus Christ. The Christian is his, bears his name, is part of his family, is his property, acts in his name, works for him. Nothing and nobody separates us from him. The strength we have comes from Christ and unites us to all other believers. How can I show forth this being of Jesus Christ? Do I live in the certainty that all I have is his, and all he has is mine?


Part One: Prayer in the Marianist Context

Introduction: Our Founders, Teachers of Prayer
1. The Christian Journey

Point of Departure: The initiative and invitation of the Father

A milestone on this path: Meeting the Father in Jesus Christ

An encounter in which we receive the gift of the Spirit


2. The Marianist Journey

Point of Departure for the Marianist journey

Goal of the Marianist journey

Steps along this journey

Center and guiding thread of this journey

Several elements of a Marianist spiritual pedagogy


3. Marianist Prayer

Reasons for our prayer

Some characteristics of our prayer

Conclusions to Part One: The Reason for a Program


Part Two: A Marianist Journey in Prayer

Introduction: Overview and Orientation
Significance and overall structure

A practical guide to using this book

Section One: The Father’s Plan

1. Listening to the Call


What we believe

Embarking on the journey

Various ways of praying

A time for the Word

A time for the Marianist Charism

Praying along the way

2. Setting Out on the Journey
What we believe
Embarking on the journey
Various ways of praying
A time for the Word
A time for the Marianist Charism
Praying along the way

Section Two: The Son’s Mission

3. To Be Like Jesus
What we believe
Embarking on the journey
Various ways of praying
A time for the Word
A time for the Marianist Charism
Praying along the way


4. With the Community

What we believeEmbarking on the journey

Various ways of praying

A time for the Word

A time for the Marianist Charism

Praying along the way


5. Doing Whatever He Tells Us

What we believe

Embarking on the journey

Various ways of praying

A time for the Word

A time for the Marianist charism

Praying along the way


Section Three: The Spirit’s Action

6. Living by Faith

What we believe
Embarking on the journey
Various ways of praying
A time for the Word
A time for the Marianist charism
Praying along the way


7. Together with Mary

What we believe
Embarking on the journey
Various ways of praying
A time for the Word
A time for the Marianist charism
Praying along the way

Conclusion: The Word Enfleshed Bore Fruit

Biblical References