NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

You can filter or search our publications below using the Keyword Search function or the "Explore Our Resources" function on the left. 

Isabella Moyer

Faith of the Heart in the Heart of the World: Circular No. 4

This Marianist Lay Community circular, written by Isabella Moyer, president of the International Organization of Marianist Lay Communities, is a personal reflection, to encourage your own reflection.

Mother Mechtilde: A Biography of Mère M. Mechtilde Pouilh-Mauriès (1858-1940)

Who was the force behind the unity of the Marianist Sisters after expulsion from France? It was Mother Mechtilde. Read the online monograph of this amazing woman . . . who many consider the Second Foundress of the Marianist Sisters.

Canonization Cause for Mademoiselle de Lamourous

Father Antonio Gascón, SM, provides an overview of Marie Thérèse de Lamourous' cause for sainthood and the efforts of Father Joseph Verrier related to this holy woman.

Fullness of Life Through Prayer

This booklet, inspired by William Joseph Chaminade’s principles of prayer, is meant to help us use prayer to live life to the fullest.

Father Chaminade’s Son, Justin

This is a sketch, then, of Chaminade’s son. Oh, yes, Chaminade had a son. . . . No, this was not a son in the tabloid headline style, the result of some indiscretion. But he was, nonetheless, really Chaminade’s son. His name is Justin Dumontet.
Faith of the Heart

Faith of the Heart: The Prayer of Faith—A Communion of Knowledge and Love with God

Richard Loehrlein, SM, reminds us that Father Chaminade’s solution to finding the truth was this: “Unless you believe, you will not understand.”

Faith of the Heart: Commentary

The light of faith, says Father Chaminade, is like the sun that brightens our day so we can see everything clearly, if we have the eyes that can see. Join Father Richard Loehrlein, SM, as he explores the light of faith through faith of the heart.

The Holy Name of Mary

A name, Father Chaminade taught, reveals the identity or the essence of a person. Combining the two meanings for the name of Mary examined here we get “Dolorosa Defiant”—the wounded rebel.

Mary Was a Lay Woman Who Lived in Community

This paper addresses three components of Marianist spirituality: empowerment of the laity, Mary, and community. The historical relevance of the establishment of lay groups in Bordeaux is compared in two major biographies of Father Chaminade, and the characteristics of the early communities are presented as a model for today's Church.
Johann Roten

True Enlightenment

When it comes to praying the rosary, do you know the "mysteries of light"? If not, let Father Roten explain their spiritual richness to you.
Joseph Lackner, SM

"Mother Mary, the Juiciest Tomato of All"

“What is your take on Mary?” If you work at a Marianist institution, especially if you are in charge, this question may seem overwhelming. Father Joseph H. Lackner, in sobering candor, explores his relations with Mary. He draws upon literature and Scripture in his reflection and invites the audience to ponder and to grow in relationship with Mary.
Susan Handle Terbay

Morning Coffee with Mary

A touching reflection on motherhood, filled with the joyous pains of childbirth and Jesus' suffering on the cross . . . told through the eyes of a mom armed with a cup of coffee and a rosary. (Article by Susan Handle Terbay)

Prayer in a Pinch: Come to the Water

Like the woman at the well, may we be humble before God.

Prayer in a Pinch: Mary and Scripture

Are you responsible for prayer at your community’s next gathering? Sr. Mary Louise Foley, FMI, has developed a communal prayer service on Mary and scripture that you can use.

Prayer in a Pinch: Nurturing the Vision

"It helps, now and then, to step back and take the long view," said Oscar Romero. "The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts; it is even beyond our vision." Drawing upon these words, Jim Vogt has crafted a social justice prayer service for communal gatherings.

Prayer in a Pinch: Images of Mary

Are you responsible for prayer at your community’s next gathering? Sr. Mary Louise Foley, FMI, has developed a communal prayer service on images of Mary that you can use.

Community Meeting Kit: A Spectacle of Saints

“A Spectacle of Saints” explores the Marianist candidates on the path to sainthood and how we are blessed with ordinary saints in our lives today.

Community Meeting Kit: A Mother's Love

“A Mother’s Love” explores how the models of Mary (Mother of God), Elisabeth de Vincens de Lamourous (mother of Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de Lamourous), and Baroness Ursule de Peyronnencq (mother of Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon) resonate with our lives today.

Community Meeting Kit: Seeking Justice and Inclusion for Women in the Church

People committed to building a more just social order are reminded that the Church must model the kind of just policies and structures that we seek to promote in the broader culture. This guide, created by the MSJC Women and Justice Team, is an introduction as to how we can seek justice and inclusion for women in the Catholic Church. This Community Meeting Kit was created in collaboration with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC).

Community Meeting Kit: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Communities for LGBTQ+ Persons

As Marianists, we are committed to supporting one another in the challenges of daily living and in working for the coming of the reign of justice. As individuals and as community we can help transform the lives of our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters through living lives of inclusion and love. Read on to learn more about how Marianists strive to create communities where all are welcomed and affirmed for who they are. This Community Meeting Kit was created in collaboration with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC).
