In the middle of Lent, trying to turn around the great Flood of human pride, greed, ruthlessness, we raise the Icon of the Annunciation: the maiden and the awesome Power of God.
According to Brother Tom Redmond, SM, "I propose the metaphor of knitting, of working with yarn, to help us understand the many threads that go into creating the Christmas story."
Brother Tom Redmond, SM, has developed a series that looks at Advent from a deeply-spiritual perspective, but with a twist: the "Stations of Advent." Join Brother Tom as he explores the first Station in this time of waiting for the birth of the Savior.
Could it be that our view of what happened to Father Chaminade at Saragossa gives some insight into how God and the intercession of Mary work in our lives through our Marianist commitment? Join Brother Tom Redmond, SM, in his exploration of this question.