See some common questions and further information about the Online Marianist History Course here.

How does the Online Marianist History Course work?

  • The online course is split into three parts, each covering a different time period or topics. Students register for one part of the course at a time.

  • The course consists of one Zoom video class lesson approximately every other week, lasting for an hour and a half, as well as interaction via a message board in an online learning platform we use for the course. The course also consists of reading assignments and, at times, watching a video.

The course is split into three "parts." What material/topics do these three parts cover?

  • Part One offers an overview of the social, religious, and political context of France before and during the French Revolution and the time of the Founders. 
  • Part Two covers the lives of the Founders and a closer look at the Bordeaux Sodality.
  • Part Three covers the foundation and expansion of the religious institutes (Society of Mary and Daughters of Mary) as well as the painful final years of Father Chaminade's life. 

Is this course designed for beginners, or is it meant for someone who is already pretty familiar with Marianist history?

  • We have aimed to make this course accessible for people who know little about Marianist history. This course has been adapted from a history course that NACMS has offered to novices in formation with the Marianist Brothers and Sisters. As a result, it is designed for people who have relatively little knowledge about Marianist history.
  • However, we go into enough depth that even someone who has studied a bit of Marianist history would likely learn something new. When we offered this course to novices and their novitiate directors (who are seasoned Marianist religious), both the "old" and the "new" Marianists learned quite a lot!

Do I have to take each part of the course in succession or can I pick and choose which ones I take?

  • In order to guarantee the best experience for each student and the integrity of the course itself, we require each part to be taken as a prerequisite for the subsequent parts. So one must take Part One before taking Part Two and Parts One and Two before taking Part Three. 

What are the virtual class lessons like?

  • These virtual class meetings will be a lecture, usually with a PowerPoint, as well as class discussion. They will last for an hour and a half. 

How much reading and other homework is assigned?

  • Each student is required to complete a homework assignment (usually a reading assignment, as well as posting in an online message board) before meeting for our virtual class session. 
  • The reading assignments are typically anywhere between 20 and 60 pages. Considering the class sessions are only every other week, you should not find the amount of reading to be burdensome.

How much does the course cost?

  • Each part of the course costs $75. Students will register and pay for each part of the course separately instead of all at one time. Registration for the subsequent parts begins about one month prior to the first virtual class of that part.

How do I pay for the course once I register?

  • Participants may pay online via credit card. You will receive instructions on how to do so once you register for the course.
  • We will also accept checks by mail, but we prefer online payments because they are easier for us to track in a timely manner.

I would like to take this course but I can't right now. Will you be offering this again?

Who do I contact if I have questions?