Robert D. Wood, SM
A moving story of a remarkable young man--Faustino Pérez-Manglano--who remained patient throughout a painful terminal illness.
by José María Salaverri, SM,
Translated by Robert D. Wood, SM
95 pgs.
The story of Faustino Pérez-Manglano (1946-63) by one who knew him well is an example of how the attitude of service, the touchstone of the Christian, developed and was lived out within the context of a teenager’s home life and school experience. This real-life account draws on Faustino’s diary as well as many firsthand accounts gathered by the author from his family and others.
This is a very moving little book. And a challenging one! How this , never losing his trust in God nor giving in to self-pity, remaining cheerful and loving to others, is a lesson humility.