Now in its second edition, The Marianist Family Prayer Book contains the richness of the original work but expands it with the inclusion of more than 60 new prayers crafted by members of the Marianist Family. This new second edition is an essential resource for those inspired by the Marianist approach to spirituality. From the initial glow of daybreak to one's last moments before slumber, there is a prayer in this new edition for every moment of one's day.

128 pgs.

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade wrote: "To pray . . . is so to open the center of yourself to God that you are filled with his presence, enveloped in his light, and made whole by his truth."

"To help in this encounter, therefore, we present to all members of the Marianist Family this collection of prayers, some from Scripture, some from Christian inspiration through the ages, some for times of joy, some for times of discouragement. There are familiar prayers and those not previously known. There are official prayers of the Church and those of particular groups in the Church. There are prayers from Marianist tradition and those beginning a new tradition.

"This collection is intended for use in private prayer or in group prayer. It provides prayers for meetings of groups of the Family of Mary as well as for colleagues in various Marianist ministries." (Material is taken from preface to The Marianist Family Prayer Book.)

Marianist Family Prayer (by Mary Andrews)

God of all time, of all people, of all places,
You have called us to witness the depth of your love
     through the shared vision of
William Joseph Chaminade, Adèle, and Marie Thérèse.
Through the grace of God, they understood the
     profound role
Of small church communities in creating a more
     compassionate society.
Like our predecessors, we ask you to bless our efforts
In building community, the essential context of all
     things Marianist,
So that the Gospel may be lived triumphantly in the
     most ordinary
And extraordinary situations.
In this season we celebrate the birth of the first
     Marianist sodality
Two hundred years ago, in Bordeaux.
With the Madeleine Sodality as our legacy, we ask
     you to fire our hearts,
That we will work passionately for local and
     global justice,
In its veiled faces and ongoing challenges.
We ask you to open our imaginations,
That we will better protect our planet earth and respect
     the interplay
Of all living creatures that share its space and resources.
We ask you to inspire our minds
To become the Christ-bearers and peacemakers for
     which our world is desperate,
Boldly confronting the darkness of violence and greed.
As community builders fed by the unfailing grace
     of prayer
And encouragement of one another,
We unite our successes in the spirit of cooperation
And offer our sufferings for your transforming grace.
Indeed, we are empowered by Mary, our model of
     liberation and courage.
Led by Mary, affirmed by Marianists throughout time,
Together we say confidently,
"Yes, God of History! Yes, God of life!

I.     Marian Prayers for Days
II.    Prayers for Marianist Feasts
III.   A Marian Examen
IV.   Marian Prayers
V.    Prayers for the Marianist Family
VI.   Various Prayers
VII.  Quiet Time
VIII. Thoughts of Blesseds Chaminade, Adèle, and Gapp and Venerable Marie Thérèse

Psalm Tones

Doxology Music

