NACMS Librarian Andrew Kosmowski, SM, returns from an amazing trip to Europe for Marianist scholarship.

Bro. Andrew Kosmowski, SM, NACMS librarian, participated in an ongoing formation program in Spain with Deacon José Luis González, SM. Both men have been asked to serve as Marianist specialists for the Society of Mary in the United States. This year, the themes were missionaries in the current Church - presented by Fr. Lorenzo Amigo, SM - and Chaminade’s thoughts on faith and prayer and their ramifications for today, taught by Fr. Enrique Aguilera, SM.

Bro. Andrew then visited Marianist communities in Italy and Austria to find international books and materials for the NACMS library. He arranged to ship numerous boxes of materials that complement the already extensive collection at NACMS.​

(Left to right) Deacon José Luis González, SM, Bro. Andrew Kosmowski, SM, Bro. José María Carpintero, SM, and Fr. Enrique Aguilera, SM, after Mass in the Church of St. James in Ciudad Real.


Chapel of Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Prado, the Marianist school in Ciudad Real. The wooden plaque in the outline of the Diocese of Ciudad Real portrays the three Marianist martyrs from the diocese: Blesseds Jesús Hita, Carlos Eraña, and Fidel Fuidio. The skulls of Blesseds Jesús and Carlos are in the boxes.

Published in the September 2023 edition of the NACMS Newsletter.