In this "socially distanced" episode of the podcast, Patti Gehred interviews Sister Gabby Bibeau about an article she wrote for the NACMS website on the parallels between the current COVID crisis and the Founders' own experiences of crisis during the French Revolution and experiences of illness. In particular, the focus is what we can learn from our Marianist Founders about how to approach the current pandemic by growing in the virtues of faith, hope, and love.
You can read her article on the NACMS website here: https://nacms.org/epubs/living-time-crisis-its-our-marianist-dna
Available on nearly all podcasting apps, our YouTube Channel, and through the embedded podcast player below.
Recorded in April 2020. Published on 4 May 2020. Hosted by Patti Gehred and Gabby Bibeau, FMI from the North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS). Recorded using Zoom video conferencing software. Edited by: Gabby Bibeau, FMI. Music features “Travel Light” by Jason Shaw (used with permission via Creative Commons License; see more of his work at http://audionautix.com/).