NACMS has classified our publications by level to aid you in finding material most helpful to you:

  • Basic for those new to the Marianist world and having little or no prior knowledge of Marianist history or the Marianist charism
  • Intermediate for those who have some knowledge and understanding of things Marianist
  • Advanced for those who have significant knowledge and understanding of things Marianist and want to go deeper
  • Resource materials, including prayers, activities, and reflections for individuals and groups
  • Reference materials, including source documents and compendia

You can filter or search our publications below using the Keyword Search function or the "Explore Our Resources" function on the left. 

Men and Women on a Mission: Catholic Education in the Marianist Tradition

This short article looks at the inclusive nature of family spirit within the Marianist Family and the centrality of community to Marianist education.

Father Chaminade and the Church

Father Eduardo Benlloch, SM, writes about how Chaminade’s contemplation of the mystical body of Christ became combined with his charismatic vision of the figure of Mary in the eternal plan of God.

Why Should We Dedicate Ourselves to Mary?

This is a fair question. After all, our entire religion is centered in Jesus. Why do we have to do anything else, except to listen to his Word and follow it?

Mary and Faith

"She [Mary] is my friend, my mother, and my mentor. I want other young mothers to know Mary as I know her and through her share their memories and stories."

A Reflection on Saragossa

Could it be that our view of what happened to Father Chaminade at Saragossa gives some insight into how God and the intercession of Mary work in our lives through our Marianist commitment? Join Brother Tom Redmond, SM, in his exploration of this question.
Phil Lohr

Becoming a Caring Community: A Process Guide for Beginning a Small Faith Community in the Marianist Tradition

Philip J. Lohr has created a guide for initial formation for building Small Christian Community in which all members are responsible for the success of the group and are called to lead at some point. At the concluding session, the material enables the group to determine how and if it will continue after its initial formation.

Letter to the Retreat Masters of 1839

Read Brother Lawrence J. Cada's masterful translation of this important spiritual letter that shaped the early development of the Society of Mary.

Marianist Heritage Sites Photo Album

A collection of photos of foundational sites for the Marianist Family, along with detailed descriptions of the photos and locations.

Miracle in Buenos Aires

A look at the miraculous healing of Elena Graciela Otero, through the intercession of Father Chaminade.
Albert E. Prendergast

Marianist Vow of Stability and the Marianist State

Just what is the "State of Religious Living in the World"? And, how does one make a permanent commitment to live a vocation as a lay Marianist? Albert E. Prendergast, a member of the Visitation State Community, examines these questions as he traces the roots of commitment to lay Marianist life and its implications for today.

Reimagining the Marianist Family in the United States: Continuing the Conversation on the Marianist Movement

In this work, Brother Raymond Fitz, SM, explores the history of our Marianist charism and its apostolic intent and examines how we today can use these same aspects as an “ecclesial movement” to minister to the “fractured city and the silent violence of poverty.”

Mary's Eager Optimist

Father Herbert Kramer, SM, provides the reader with an easy-to-read primer on the life of Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon, Founder of the Marianist Sisters. This 23-page work captures the essence of Adèle.


For those who love a good newspaper feel, "Hosanna!", a six-issue series dedicated to the cause of Adèle's beatification, written in 1957-58, makes for a great morning read, especially with a cup of coffee or tea. "Hosanna!" is packed with short nuggets of wisdom about the Founder of the Marianist Sisters.

Father William Ferree, SM: A Sketch of His Life and Contributions to Catholic Social Thought

Sister Gabrielle Bibeau, FMI, uses personal interviews and Ferree's own journals and drafts of his works to probe the development and influence of this great Marianist thinker in the realm of Catholic Social Thought.

Witnesses from the Past, Hope for the Future: A History of the Marianist Family in Times of Persecution and Hardship

Gabrielle Bibeau, FMI, examines different times under which the Marianist Sisters were forced to operate under dangerous circumstances of suppression and violence, namely, the French secularization of the early twentieth century (which almost wiped out the Sisters), and the First and Second World Wars.
Caitlin Cipolla-McCulloch

A Witness of Love: Examining the Correspondence of Four Nonviolent Activists

In "A Witness of Love," Caitlin Cipolla-McCulloch writes: "This message of radical love is at the root of nonviolence in the Christian tradition . . . it is central to the lives of four correspondents, William Joseph Chaminade, Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton."
Jakob Gapp, SM

Conscience that Would Not Be Silenced

Looking back over my 26 years as "The Tablet’s" Vienna correspondent, I can think of no more remarkable story than that of Blessed Jakob Gapp.

The Soldier of Mary: William Joseph Chaminade

A tribute to Blessed Chaminade originally published in a French newspaper in honor of his beatification.

The Marianist Founders and Social Justice

Felipe Melcher, SM, has assembled useful quotes from Marianist sources that pertain to key elements of how Marianists view social justice.
Brother Miguel

Like Jesus, He Gave His Life Protecting His People: Brother Miguel Ángel Quiroga

Brother Miguel (“Michel”) Ángel Quiroga died defending life in Colombia.
